October 1999
10/26/99 Custom Arcade Cometh! Custom Arcade Revealed!
This is the one that's been burning a hole in my fingers since I first learned of it some time ago :) A new arcade controls vendor enters the scene in a big way! This business venture is coming from none other than our very own VoodooChile, aka Ray Iddings!Custom Arcade will not officially open for business for a few days, but they're asking folks to help beta test their web site at it's temporary location, where you can see some of their incredible offerings!
Some of the highlights!
Bear in mind the site is still in beta testing - the online ordering page is not yet working. Visit their beta web site for more information! If you have suggestions or spot problems, please email Ray and let him know :) Ray's been a long time member of and contributer to this community, and we wish him well in this new venture!
- Selling both stand-alone arcade controls and full-sized and cocktail arcade cabinets. The cabinets come sans computer or monitor, so you can build your own using their cabinet, or you can arrange to have a system customized with their business partners at Business Computing Solutions.
- A Modular System of 5 Interchangeable Panels with ARCADE QUALITY Joysticks and Buttons.
- Exclusive agreement with the TwistyGrip folks to manufacture and sell TwistyGrip StarWars yokes! Yes!
- No ghosting or latency problems thanks to the 72 Direct Input Fully Programmable Keyboard Encoder! Development of this interface being one of the reasons this took so long to come to market.
- Each StandAlone and Cabinet comes with 2 Pinball Style buttons. "Nudging" the StandAlone or Cabinet registers the "TILT" just like a real pinball machine.(!)
- All Configurations can be purchased...
- As a Panel Only with NO encoder Or StandAlone Box. Once you have purchased a encoder/StandAlone you never need another.
- As a Panel with Encoder.
- As a Panel, Encoder and Stand Alone Box.
- They'll have available joysticks, top fire joysticks, spinners, trackballs, and of course the StarWars yokes.
(Did I mention I'm getting one of these to play with and review? :) Stay tuned . . .)
As if that wasn't good enough news :)
Enter the ZipStick! A new arcade joystick vendor has set up shop selling a stand-alone arcade console called the ZipStick. They're expecting to be up-and-running sales wise in a couple of weeks, and their web site is still under construction. So far you will find pictures of one of the prototypes, featuring the Hagstrom KE-IC interface which uses 24 discrete inputs meaning no chance of ghosting. The controllers are expected to be in the $120-$130 range, and they'll sell just the shell (wood housing, trimmings, controls, no electronics) for about $80, so you can hack your own custom joystick - say for the N64 or PSX for instance! An excellent idea! Pictures and more details are available on their web site!New arcade cabinet project
Added Sylicon1's arcade cabinet project to the cabinets page. This project is just getting off the ground, and is presently an assembled wooden cabinet only. However, Sylicon1's page is full of interesting projects, so I'm looking for an interesting project when all's said and done :) This puts us at 91 projects! T-9 and counting!New arcade cabinet project #2!
Added the Space Invaders - MAME Restoration Project to the cabinets page. This is a restored Space Invaders cocktail cabinet turned into a MAME machine, using a Hagstrom LP-24 as the interface. Very nice - the more of the cocktail cabinets I see, the more I think I need one in my living room :) This makes 92 projects! T-8 and counting!And the winner is . . .
The Sony Mavica FD-88. The quality of picture combined with the floppy disk interface made this my choice for digital camera - thanks to everyone who emailed me advice! It should get it's first break-in taking pictures of the PowerRamp Mite I got a few days back. :)More To Come!
I've got a lot of email to catch up on still, so if you sent me something that hasn't made it's way here yet, please bear with me :) It should be forthcoming shortly!10/20/99 Jim's Robby Roto Mame Machine
Check this one out! Jim's put up a page with his Robby Roto MAME Machine project, with many pictures of his excellent work, and some good advice. A unique feature I've not seen elsewhere is his outstanding stained-glass marquee! Added to the cabinets page, this makes 90 projects! Outstanding!Fun stuff? What's this? :)
What's this? What's this? :)10/19/99 OptiMAME updated
Andy has updated OptiMAME to the latest MAME release. Thanks for the heads up Andy! :)Peter's Arcade Joystick added!
Peter of EmulationHQ has a Sidewinder hack joystick project that he's passed on to me to share. Thanks Peter! This makes 89 projects now!LuSiD's Arcade Flashback added!
LuSiD's Arcade Flashback added to the cabinets page. This is another scratch-built arcade cabinet featuring a large control panel with dual sticks, a trackball, and a spinner, and although a work in progress, it looks sharp already. This makes 88 projects now!New Mac arcade joystick page
Chris, of Chris' MacStick, has a new Mac arcade joystick project starting. He's currently working on an Ikari Warriors style rotary joystick hack. Added to the stand-alone controller page. #87!
10/18/99 Some fun stuff coming!
This may shape up to be an exciting week! :) Don't change that dial!New arcade project
Goody's Arcade Cabinet Project is #85 on our page of projects! Are we going to hit 100? Goody's is a project that is just getting started, but already has the outer cabinet built. The rest of the guts are on the way :)New arcade cabinet #2!
Also new today - Il Cabinato! I believe the site is in Italian. AltaVista does a decent translatingjob. This makes 86 projects now :)More to come
Well, I had hoped for a bigger update tonight, but I've been answering some absolutely awesome email. I'd like to thank everyone who has sent me warm fuzzies in the past couple of days, very much appreciated! Also... argh I can't stand it, I can't say yet I can't say! Exciting things to come!BTW - I'm buying a new digital camera. Anyone want to email me a recommendation or warning about a brand/model? Much appreciated!
10/17/99 Page updates
Updated the Interfaces and Technical pages, trying to make them easier to read/navigate and expanding on content a bit. Corrected some information on ghosting thanks to an email from Jim (thanks Jim!) - the conclusions haven't changed, but the details were corrected to be more accurate.Advertising? Say it isn't so!?
For the almost two years this site has existed, we have not accepted advertising. I did not want any influences on the editorial content of the FAQ.Recently however, I've rethought that policy. As of now, this FAQ will allow limited advertising. In no way, shape or form will it be allowed to affect site content. Also, it will not overwhelm the FAQ itself. Advertising will be found only in two places - at the bottom of the news page, and on the links page. For a full list of the details of the advertising policy, see the advertising policy page. BTW - most ads that find their way here will be bartered for, and not paid for...
StarWars controller hack page
Jude's excellent StarWars controller hack has been html'ized and is now online. It's a damn fine job if I must say so myself, I had some fun with this one :) Several pictures to help illustrate the article...10/16/99 Time to Stick-It!
Got my Stick-It the other day, and have been playing and testing it since :) Review is now up!New MAME release
The new MAME release includes something of interest to arcade control folks - from the what's new:[DOS] The new Allegro library supports the Gravis GrIP devices, use -joy grip or -joy grip4 to enable.Good news for folks thinking of using or hacking a GrIP :)Arcade Solutions closing up shop
I just received a semi-sad piece of email from Andy of Arcade Solutions - vendor of custom arcade joysticks and cabinets. Due to a variety of things, including a new wife and new job, Arcade Solutions is closing up shop. It may be temporary, time will tell. When things calm down, there's a good possibility that we'll see more of Arcade Solutions/Andy, if only on the message boards. He's unable to update his web site right now so has asked me to pass the word along.Andy's always been very gracious about passing his expertise along to folks on the message board to help them with their projects, and is much appreciated. Good luck with your future efforts Andy!
Dave's Video Game Classics metamorphesis
Dave's Video Game Classics has undergone a significant change. We're not an emu site here, but so much of this hobby originated on Dave's message boards that I find this pertinant. Check out the new site at this new URL. Good luck Dave!10/15/99 Updating in chunks this weekend . . .
Schedule is really chaotic so I'm updating in mini-chunks this weekend starting now. If you're a nibbler, check back several times, if you're a 3 square-meals type, check back probably Sunday evening :) There are some simply fantastic things coming that aren't yet publically consumable, but I can't wait to share them when they are :) Here's a hint - I'm picking up a new toy at the post-office today!New arcade cabinet project
Rodney (and buddy Mark) of the Patriot joystick have put up a page with their latest project, the Patriot Conversion Project! Added to the cabinets section, this brings us up to 84 projects now!Hanaho ArcadePC now officially available
Hanaho has officially released the ArcadePC mini-cabinet for sale! A press release is available here with some interesting reading, and prices start at $798 depending on options. Good news from their site is the addition that they anticipate releasing a full-sized version of the ArcadePC in a month, and they have a cocktail version in development! Hanaho.New, home-built from scratch cocktail cabinet
Now this is impressive. All projects, imho, are impressive - but there are few that start literally from scratch. Chad's MAME Cabinet is a scratch-built cocktail cabinet featuring two player controls, spinner, leaf joysticks, and a very polished look. He has a bunch of pictures on his site so take a look - if you're thinking of a cocktail cabinet, this is one for inspiration. Added to the cabinets section. This brings us up to 83 projects now!10/10/99 Color me 5 shades of embrarrased
Well, that thing that happens when you assume happened to me :) Jerky of JerkyCade is *not* Jerky of Jerky's Arcade Hacks. I just assumed, and didn't ask. Due apologies!10/9/99 Happy birthday SNES Pad Support Site!
The SNES Pad Support Site is a year old today (or possibly yesterday by the time I actually get this update posted)! Happy birthday Chippy!News on their site is availability of SNESPAD-to-PC adapters for purchase. If you buy one off this link, please be sure to tell them you are linked off of the SNES Pad Support Site :)
Bookmark sorting time!
After a couple of days off, I picked up the keyboard again. First thing, bookmark sorting. I found several interesting things in my bookmarks that have been waiting attention, so here goes . . .Arcade Monitor Technical Page
The arcade monitor technical page I once had up has returned, with a brief discussion on some of the theory on how monitors work and a discussion on discharing them. I no longer describe how to discharge a monitor, as I feel it's too dangerous. However, there are links to other places that do so which you'll find after you read through the page. Added to the technical page.Soldering techniques
A good guide to soldering has been added to the technical page.Three new parts vendors
Added links to 3 new parts vendors on the links page.Games Domain Review links
Games Domain Review, a fairly cool site for various gaming hardware reviews, has a couple of items of interest. These *might* have already been mentioned here but I don't think so...
- An interesting page with discussion of home built joysticks, and 3d glasses, which look really cool. It discusses connecting Atari joysticks to PCs, including a kind of cool Battlezone style lever joystick hack.
- HotRod review - they did a review of the HotRods, and added a couple of pokes at keyboard hacking :)
- ArcadePC review - it's listed, but the link doesn't presently work. I emailed the author so hopefully soon.
Technical & Links Page Updates
Did some re-arranging and updating on both the technical and links pages. Moved some links back and forth where it was logical, particularly into the step-by-step guides (Not to be confused with our main step-by-step section) on the technical page.New section
Added a new section to the links/examples page - Miscellaneous Hacks. This is for various related hacks that don't quite fit arcade cabinet or desktop joystick status. Added to this section for example are:
- Pete's Atari Jaguar hack - build an arcade joystick for the Atari Jaguar
- Pete's Atari 2600 hack - similar to above
- Pete's Atari 5200 hack
- Atari Jaguar spinner hack
- C=64 stuff coming soon when their server comes back up
Joystick Protocols
Added a link to FP Gaming's page explaining joystick protocols to the technical page. According to them there are three different protocols the joystick port uses - something I didn't know.ArcadeOS 2.31 Released
ArcadeOS 2.31 has been released! Updates:There have also been a few interesting updates on the rest of Brian's site, so take a visit :)
- Additional arcade monitor modes added
- Added .APP files for various console emulators (BRSMS,GENECYST,NESTICLE,RockNES,SP,Z26 and ZSNES)
- Updated Callus' APP file to use new 384x224 mode
- Added missing MAME joystick options (hotrod , PSX and N64 controllers)
- (More)
JerkyCade is up!
Jerky, owner of Jerky's Arcade Hacks, has put up a page for his newest project, JerkyCade! JerkyCade is a combination SNES-Pad/PowerRamp hack that is fairly slick! Thanks Jerky - added to the arcade cabinets section. This makes 80 projects! Thanks Jerky!Play-Choice 2000 is up!
Ryan sent me word that his project, the Play-Choice 2000, is up and running! Still a work in progress, he's already put up a very nice piece on installing the CompUSA trackball - a fairly popular choice. This makes 81 projects! Thanks Ryan!immorta's Mac In A Box is up!
immorta emailed me about his arcade cabinet project, Mac In A Box! It's a keyboard hack running MacMAME in a Space Invaders cabinet - this makes 82 projects now! Might we hit 100 by the end of the year? :) Thanks immorta!Huge list of sources for input technologies
Thanks to Jon on the message board for pointing it out, added the Directory of Sources for Input Technologies to the links page.More to come!
Lots more to come! Jude's sent me the pictures to the Star-Wars controller hack, Joey's updating his incredible stand alone controller (featuring his unique Star-Wars yoke) and has sent me pictures of his new spinner, I've got my PowerRamp Mite to dissect tomorrow hopefully, there's some new info on the various types of arcade buttons, and and and . . . :) Did you know there have been 90 updates to this FAQ since it was started? Stay tuned!10/5/99 More awesome projects!
Take a look at this! mckechnossomy (No, I don't know how to pronounce it) purchased a YokeCraft TwistyGrip spinner and then modified it, painted it, and put on a Tempest overlay with gorgeous results. The graphic he used are downloadable from his site. Two thumbs up - this is one of those that makes me think I've just got to duplicate it for myself. This makes 79 projects now! Thanks M!Mark's Arcade
Added Mark's email address to his arcade page in case you want to contact him about the project. :)Mas Systems come to life!
I've been tracking this vendor for well over a year to see if they'd show any signs of life, and had given up hope. Lo and behold, I get an email from Glenise that they've finally done so, and in a big way! Thanks Glenise! Check out what they're pitching:Mas Systems offers a lot more than this (check out their build-your-own Dreamcast VGA Audio/Video Adapter), be sure to stop by! Excellent news, thanks Glenise! Added to the links and alternatives sections.
- Arcade cabinets! They have custom arcade cabinets available not only for JAMMA, but they can also accomodate PSX, Dreamcasts, N64s, etc... They feature Wells Gardner RGB monitors, come in a variety of sizes and options, and run from $995 to $1195. They also support . . .
- The Super Pro.Stick! This is a 10 button, single joystick controller designed to support multiple systems, including PSX, N64, Saturn, NeoGeo, Dreamcast digital and analog, and soon IBM-PC compatibles - fully programmable! Currently going for $79.95, with an additional $30 per each additional system.
StaticX's Sidewinder Hack guide
StaticX submitted an extremely detailed guide to hacking Sidewinders (over 3 megs!), and that has been posted. If you're thinking of a Sidewinder hack, you owe it to yourself to check it out :) The main page is only 700KB give or take, and the big pictures open in separate windows. Excellent work, thanks StaticX! Added to the technical page.Oh, the places we'll go!
Midnight, time for me to turn into a pumpkin. I think the things in tonight's update were really exciting, and there's more in the same vein to come ... soon! Tomorrow if I don't take an evening off :) Stay tuned . . .
10/4/99Mark's Arcade added
Added Mark's Arcade to the arcade cabinets section. It's a nice looking cabinet using a classic keyboard hack (direct to the keyboard, not the circuit board) with, among other things, an 8-track car radio??? Check it out! :) Thanks Mark - this makes 78 projects now!Joystick update - updated
The update to the optical rotary joystick section that I said was added yesterday wasn't actually added until late this evening. Oops! No more updating for me without 6 hours of sleep! Thanks for pointing that out Torgo :)PowerRamp page finds a home
Ack! The PowerRamp page I put up some time ago was never linked anywhere in the FAQ. Added to the interfaces section. Thanks to John for pointing that out!Ultra Spinners
Xiaou2 posted a message on the board about a "Disk Of Tron" spinner he's put together with a couple of special features. He's thinking of selling kits, but wants feedback before he begins. If you're interested, drop him a line. :)Look! Look! Look!
Here's the one that's had me on pins and needles for a while now! Jude sent me a writeup of how he converted a StarWars Return Of The Jedi flight yoke to be a PC control. Awesome! It will be a while before I can htmlize it, and pictures are still forthcoming, but this is too cool to sit on, so I've uploaded the MS-Word doc until I can put up a page. Excellent writeup, and be sure to check out the chapter quotes :)NOTICE! Please do not rush out and start hacking up StarWars cabinets. These things are exceedingly rare, and it would be a criminal shame to butcher one that was working. As our hobby gets more sophisticated, I think it's more and more important that we as a group be careful not to destroy the past as we seek to remember it. However, if you find one on the disposal block with a salvagable controller... :) NOTICE!
Changes page ... changes
The old-changes page was getting ridiculously long. It's now split into recent changes, with a link from their to the older changes. That way if you miss news you can check out the recent past without having to go get a cup of coffee first.More to come
Curse this darn day job that keeps me from my appointed rounds... Much more to come, things are getting really exciting lately! New business ventures cropping up, more projects to showcase (I've got three waiting for me to put them up), PowerRamp Mite on it's way for me to tinker with, and a few more changes to the FAQ. Stay tuned!10/3/99 TwistyGrip changes
The TwistyGrip folks have some sad news - they are no longer selling spinners :( They are moving on to other, non-gaming ventures - however they will still be supporting all sold products, and the blue-prints are still available. Thanks for all you've done for the retrogaming community TwistyGrip, and good luck in your new ventures!RandyFromm technical department re-opens
The RandyFromm technical department pages are back online now. However, if you have any direct links you'll need to change them - the pages are now being hosted on the spies server, and not on Randy's site.Message board changes
Monthly trimming of the message board done (possibly still in progress). Re-did the top and put the archives on their own page. You can now load the index-page of the archive to scan the message topics before you decide it's worth downloading that 1 meg+ file.New HotRod review
JD got his HotRod the other day and passed on a mini-review to share. Another thumbs-up for the HotRod! Thanks JD :)Rotary joystick update - Torgo speaks!
Torgo sent me email clarifying his explanation of the Happs rotary joysticks. Unclear at first glance on Happ's web site, there are actually two products - one mechanical 12-position rotary switch joystick, and one optical-interface rotary joystick. The joystick section has been updated accordingly, along with 3 pictures that make it crystal clear how it works. Torgo's update summation? It's plug and play easy :) Much appreciated Torgo! Torgo go play now!Daisy-chaining KE-24 encoders
Intensify of Barcade fame has posted a message on the board about hooking up two Hagstrom KE-24 encoders together to have 4 controllers at once with discrete (non-matrix) inputs! His site will be updated and in a new location shortly, and it'll be posted here when it's moved.Ack! More to come!
Ran out of energy and daylight much too soon! There is more to come, hopefully tomorrow. There are at least 4 projects in the works that I've been told about that are near "sharable" stage, so look for some good things soon!