Arcade Logo Contest Winners
And the winner is...
Logo #6 is the logo we've gone with, thanks to everyone who voted :)
You can see all the logos here.
The first three folks who voted for the logo, thereby winning the Capcom
Coin-Op Classics #1 CD (thanks Hanaho!)
are: lextifer, stumpy, and macmichael - congratulations! You've
been emailed, when I hear back with your mailing information I'll get those
out to you. :)
Another Contest?
I have 6 more of the Capcom
CDs to give away, so I'm looking for ideas
on how to do so. Nothing too elaborate, but something related to
the FAQ would be nice. :)
Free cabinets - 6 of them!
6 free cabinets about to be
tossed on a bonfire next weekend if not rescued, including a sit down cabinet!
Read the message,
and then if you're near easter Mass and are interested, email
the owner!
Arcade Solutions reopens!
Solutions is once again taking orders! Excellent news!
They are vendors of custom made arcade controls that have to be seen to
be believed. Andy Desak, owner, is a regular on the message board
and a great guy. He's building a couple more of his monster controllers
and will be working on some "step-by-step" instructions as he does it,
so look for good things to come in the future! A visit to his site
is highly recommended!
Joe's Cassette Drawer Console
Added Caveman Joe's Cassette
Drawer hack to the stand alone section. This is a PSX pad hack
housed in a cassette drawer case that can be used for both PC and PSX games.
Very cool :) This makes #111
added to our lists now!
Step-by-step guide modificatino
Modified the step-by-step
guide to be friendlier to folks without frames. If there's anyone
out there who can't use frames, I'd be interested to hear how it works
for you.
New Stick-It coming
Stick-It has a new offering
coming down the pipeline soon - it's a very sexy looking curved
arcade console, a USB only stick with the same features as the original,
including the on-the-fly programmability, but now sporting a spinner!
Take a look at the rendered picture on their web page. Availability
will be in late April, but they are taking pre-orders now. Cost?
$79-$89 :)
Arcade Solutions customer speaks
Speaking of Arcade Solutions
- got an email from nate telling me about his web
site featuring a custom built arcade controller from Arcade Solutions.
It's a two stick, spinner system with leaf joysticks and buttons.
The spinner is a kit from TwistyGrip -- Nate's had this controller since
October, and has "only now put it down for a few minutes to make a webpage
about it." As this is a purchased and not a home-built product, we're
not incrementing the count :) Nate's also got a nice guide to video
arcades that's worth spending some time on. Thanks Nate! Added
to Arcade Solutions's section.
Enter the ButtonBox!
Got an email from Bill reminding
me that I hadn't posted anything about the ButtonBox
(message left on the message board some time ago...). The ButtonBox
is a build-it-yourself keyboard encoder with the following features:
Can be used in Direct or Matrix mode.
Up to 27 buttons can be connected in Direct
Up to 64 buttons can be connected in Matrix
mode (8x8 matrix).
Switch between Direct and Matrix mode
"on the fly" (without reboot).
No "ghosting/masking key" problems in
either Direct or Matrix mode.
Which button sends which keystroke is
configurable from the PC using a configuration program (not available yet).
Any errors encountered in the ButtonBox
are displayed on a LED.
No external power needed, it uses power
from the keyboard interface.
The web site has hardware instructions,
software to program it, and other info related to the encoder. Looks
great - thanks for the reminder Bill :) Anyone building this please
me know!
Added a link to the technical
page and monitor's page for Rockman's PC to Arcade doc that's fairly popular
but hard to find.
More to come!
Think I'm finally catching
up to normal update intervals... We'll see. Many pages are getting
minor or major revamps, between the time sensitive and quick updates.
Next on my radar is a separate page for Spinners. I'm also about
1/3 caught up with my backlog of emails, many apologies for anyone who
hasn't heard back from me yet (I've only let 255 messages queue up).
Stay tuned :)
think this update's going to be big
Brien King's Arcade Restoration Workshop moves
If you haven't been to this
page, you've missed out. This is one of the must-visit pages for
arcade collecting. Visit it at it's new
Links page seriously revamped
Took the opportunity of a
bit of quiet time this weekend to redo something that's bugged me for a
while. The links page has been seriously
revamped (update on the update - still a work in progress, but I'm posting
it anyway), take a look and please let
me know what you think. Among other things, added several arcade
parts vendors and noted what countries they have offices in (I'm often
asked for vendors outside the states). If you know of any I haven't
got listed, please let me know.
$5 off a PSX-PC convertor
The PC-PSX page is having
a sale on their PSX to PC pad convertors. Print out this coupon,
then head over to their web
site and place your order :) I do not know how long this sale
is going to be - see their pricing page for more details and rules.
RB-Joy added
Added RB-Joy,
a utility that simulates keypresses or mouse events with a joystick or
gamepad, to the links page.
Chat Room!
A long time ago, I set up
a chat room while I was experimenting with things to add to the FAQ.
I never publicized it, and recently found the link again. The message
board took off more than I ever thought it would, so... who knows? :) Chat
room here.
Build a MAME cabinet for someone?
in the 716 area code is looking for someone to build
a MAME cabinet for them. Interested?
Free GORF cabinet
Possibly too old, but posting
it anyway... Tomm has a free
Gorf cabinet in the Dallas area.
Slush pile
Well, this update took longer
than the last one :) Rather than sit on things forever, I thought
I'd put some more of my "slush pile" up for
the truly twisted to sort through. This link takes you to the posts
that I've pulled out of the message board as I delete messages. These
are messages that I felt had enough meat to them to be looked at to see
if they should be added in one fashion or another to the FAQ. No
format or guarantees...
Arcade project
Added The
Machine to the cabinets page. This makes #107
-- thanks to Gerald for pointing out that I can't count :)
New web ring
We've joined the Custom Game
Controls web ring, linked at the bottom of the page. :)
Logo contest winners!
I'll be announcing the winners
of the logo contest on my next update, presumably this weekend :)
Thanks to everyone who sent in a vote!
CustomArcade happenings
Couple of blurbs regarding
-- the first is that the RetroRadio CD from MonroeWorld is available for
sale from CustomArcade's web page. Second, CustomArcade has decided
to donate $5.00 from any controller sale to charity. Kudos to them!
Moonlight23 has moved
If you had a link to Moonlight23's
internal pages, they probably won't work anymore - the site has moved,
though the main
page still works and points you to where you need to go...
Free Dragon's Lair cabinet in Cleveland Ohio
Gack, someone rescue
this one before it hits the dump! Dated 1/15, hope it's not too
Butler2000 added!
Rodney of Patriot fame has
put up a site about his latest project, the Butler2000!
KE24 interface, removable control panels, uses the new MAME code for shifted
key combinations... very well done. This is system #108
to be added!
Free (almost?) Asteroids Deluxe cabinet
Columbus Ohio, an Asteroids
Deluxe headed for the trash heap. Was posted on 1/12, hope it's
still there!
Four(!) free cabinets in Buffalo, NY
Again posted originally on
1/12, hope they're still
Side by side comparison pictures
Added side by side comparison
pictures of the HotRod, Stick-It, and CustomArcade controllers to the alternatives
Xtreme MAME Machine
Added the Xtreme
MAME cabinet to the collection -- features trackball, spinner, and
a StarWars controller hack based off Jude's project. Very well done,
this makes project #109!
johnmac's MAME Machine
Added johnmac's
MAME Machine - a keyboard/PowerRamp hack with trackball support as
well, very nice! This makes project #110!
More to come!
There's so much more on my
to-do list... Emails, bookmarks, and message board threads to add
to the FAQ, products to review, pictures to post - I tried to get most
of it up tonight, but sleepiness took over... I'm not sure I'll ever catch
up :) Stay tuned!
New Year!
CustomArcade review!
Yes, at long last my
review of my CustomArcade
panel #2 is up! Nutshell? Holy cow, what a system!
You've no doubt seen the wonderful
logo at the top of the main page by now. The logo was created for
us by mckechnossomy, whose efforts are very much appreciated! I have
a page with 14 different takes on the logo, and would like to invite
you to take a look and vote for the one you like best. The first
3 people to email me with the one that I ultimately choose will win a copy
of the Capcom Coin-Op Classics CD, generously supplied to us by Hanaho!
Alternatives page seriously revamped
I spent some time and seriously
revamped the alternatives page.
Added CustomArcade, Arcade2000, and a variety of other vendors. Put
in a chart comparing
all the arcade console products at a glance. Updated some bad links.
Reviews added
Added a couple of reviews
to the review page, Atila's HotRod
SE review, and Prophet's ArcadePC
Links page tweaked
Minor updates to links page.
Added a local
mirror of the missing MAME Cocktail Project. This project is
being resumed so will be replaced with it's proper link soon.
LaserRot's Update
LaserRot's Arcade Cabinet
has had a fairly big update with *lots* of pictures and some more information
- stop
on by to see what's new!
Onion's MAME Project
Onion sent me an email with
news of his MAME
project... It's a 4 player arcade cabinet using a Hagstrom KE72T
interface as the brains. The controls include a trackball as well
as the buttons and joysticks for four players. The web site is still
a work in progress, but there are pictures up and more to come. Thanks
Onion! This makes 106 projects
Updates, thankyous, and more to come!
There's been a lot more to
talk about than made it into this update. Due to Y2K, holidays, and
family, the FAQ took a major back burner seat until today. I've simply
run out of time, but there's much more coming. A very big thankyou
to the folks on the message board keeping everyone up to date with recent
news. More to come, stay tuned!