Posted by JIMI on January 04, 2002 at 04:41:47:
Excuse my BAD english...
I'have this problem:
My ArcMon (Hantarex) work good with AOS (DOS)+mame on my SVGA card (ATI).
Well ...I have also a little Adapter (CREATIVE TVCODER EXTERNAL 6011) with 3 output , 1) TV s-video 2) StandarVGA 3) RGB output....
well the n.3 have the right functions for connect the monitor arcade , and see windows (640x480) 16 or 32 bit colors!...the picture is nice.but..yes ONLY one BIG problem! The picture roll all the time , and is impossible to adjust fine the trimmer on the back-monitor , because You never found a good regolation!!! So , The syncronism have a problem when I connect This CREATIVE adapter, My question...ANYONE know waht can I do , meaby with a extra little circuit for STOPPED this STUPID ROLLING effect?!?