Build Your Own Arcade Controls
Examples page

\r\n"; $DaCounter = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($dbresult)) { $DaTitle = $row[1]; $DaLink = $row[2]; $DaDesc = $row[3]; $DaURL = $row[38]; if ($DaCounter == 3) { print "\r\n"; print "\r\n"; $DaCounter = 0; } $DaCounter = $DaCounter + 1; print "\r\n"; } while ($DaCounter <= 3) { if ($DaCounter == 0) { print "\r\n"; } if ($DaCounter == 1) { print "\r\n"; } if ($DaCounter == 2) { print "\r\n"; } $DaCounter = $DaCounter + 1; } print "
$DaTitle\r\n"; if ($DaURL != "" && $DaURL != "nopic") { print "
\r\n"; } print "


$DaDesc\r\n"; print "

Wayback Machine mirror\r\n"; print "

\r\n"; } } // ------ Function ends -------- // We do it this way so I don't have to type as much... besides... functions are cool ?>

Hall of fame Upright cabinets Cocktail cabinets
Driving/Cockpit cabinets Desktop controls Other arcade projects
Jukeboxes Bartop/Countertop Search project examples

Hall Of Fame!


Upright Arcade Cabinets

Cocktail Cabinets

Driving and other sit-down Cabinets

Desktop Arcade Controls

Projects that don't fit anywhere else!

Learn to build jukeboxes


Miscellaneous Hacks

Pete's Atari Jaguar Hack Pete's Atari 2600 hack Pete's Atari 5200 hack Atari Jaguar Spinner Arcade Paradise's You Don't Know Jack controllers


-- Home --

"; } else { // Page found... now lets read it and output it in the page this code is in while(!feof($fp)) { $TheString = trim(fgets($fp,500)); echo $TheString; } fclose($fp); } ?>