Posted by LuSiD on January 22, 2002 at 18:11:56:
In Reply to: Get a Pocket PC. posted by Agent Davis on January 20, 2002 at 17:01:12:
PocketPCs are great for portable emulators.
All the units have their quirks though, so read up on them over at before spending the $$.
For the money, an old Casio E-125 will do really well. Run you less than $300 since they are basically close out items or Ebay fodder.
I have mine loaded down with emulators, Mameboy, MameCE3, Yame (NES, GB, & TG), SnesCE, AppleCE (AppleIIe), CB64 (Commodore64), CEGG(gamegear), GeneratorCE (Sega Genesis), PocketVCS (Atari2600), among others. Plus several older games have been ported, including Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Quake 1, and now Quake 2.
Barely any room on it for the mp3s or DivX clips, and maybe a phone number or two.
: Games are really coming along on the PPC including emulation. There is a Mame for it along with many others including the awesome pocket gb.