Posted by Lilwolf on January 04, 2002 at 10:31:42:
In Reply to: Tons for ROMS? posted by Peter on January 03, 2002 at 22:58:58:
I try to keep them all updated. Mainly because a while ago there was a scare that you wouldnt be able to get them again (when all the major sites took their roms off... yes, retrogames and davesclassics used to have roms)
anyway, if you let them get behind, it's hard to catch up.
newsgroups are 100% the way to go. Last night I completed my collection and I was 2 mame versions off.
I ran cmpro to get a list of missing roms
I ran giganews (newsgroup reader... almost as good as newsbinpro but cheaper)
I downloaded all the headers in alt.bin.emulator.misc
I searched for each one and seletected it for download.
So even thought I couldn't just select all the .57 roms (because I was missing a bunch more) it took 1/2 hour to select them all (150 or so) and went to bed. In the morning... I was done
btw, did this a bunch more when I was on a dial up since (but used newsbinpro) it was nice because it would redial for me if the dialup went down.