Your Own Arcade Controls FAQ
is an unauthorized mirror of Benji's SNESKey. The original web site
has disappeared. Other than this header and the footer below, this
is unmodified from the original. There may be references to the original
web site imbedded in the html. It may spin for a moment or two attempting
to find that before it gives up - however, the content of the page is intact
despite the missing web site. I've also put up a page with some additional
information about SNESKey that is probably worth visiting.
Graphic by Daniel Bauman
11/15/98 - The SNESKey Page is Back with: Playstation
Controller Support
The manual hasn't been updated yet, but an example
ini file is included in the Examples directory and the adapter schematic
is below. Replace the "X" in the schematic with a 10. Only the DOS version
supports the Playstation controller. The driver will be added to the Windows9X
version soon. Special thanks to Cheng Ka Chun of Hong Kong who sent me
a PSX controller, Juan Berrocal who sent me the code I based the SNESKey
driver on and who sent me some good info on the PSX controllers, and Justin
Bell who did the beta testing for me. The download is available below.
06/21/98 - SNESKey 1.62 and SNESKey9X Beta Three
What's new in SNESKey 1.62:
Improved Sidewinder driver
Tweaked key press simulation
Added arcade controller support (still no documentation)
Sped Gravis Game Pad Pro driver up
Updated the manual (but not as much as I would have
What's new in SNESKey9X Beta Three:
Added Sidewinder driver
Added window for dot display (DrawDots option in
ski file)
Improved responsiveness
Sped up Gravis Game Pad Pro driver
04/04/98 - SNESKey9X Beta Two Available
There is still no manual, but this version is more
polished and supports the following controllers:
NES Four Score
Gravis Game Pad Pro
Atari 2600 Spinners
Arcade Controllers
Drivers for the other controllers are being added.
I haven't had time to add documentation for the custom built arcade controllers.
If you're interested, please contact me and I'll tell you about the (very
simple) circuit and how to use it with SNESKey.
03/17/98 - Windows9X Version of SNESKey is Here!
There is no manual yet. Just unzip everything (with
the -d option) in to c:\SNESKey9X\ and run the executable. Load an ini
file from the ini directory, modify it, save it with a new name, and then
execute it. I recommend you be familiar with the DOS version of SNESKey
before using the Win9X version.
Be forwarned that this version only supports SNES
pads. The drivers for the other controllers will be added soon.
This is a beta release so please don't send any
bug reports quite yet. I know it isn't perfect, but I didn't want to keep
it to myself, so have fun. I will make an exception if SNESKey9X won't
load, causes some kind of exception, freazes your system, etc. Also, a
friendly feature request or two wouldn't be too bad.
On the topic of features, here are a few I have
in mind already:
make SNESKey9X a toolbar app (has a little icon in
the system tray)
make the priority for the thread that does all the
work selectable
add a "wizard" to generate ini files
add a command line switch so SNESKey will execute
any ini file specified on the command line; would make SNESKey9X more start
up folder friendly
have SNESKey9X "watch" which app is the current one
and change settings depending on which one is active
The download is available below.
Much Better Sidewinder and Game Pad Pro Support
SNESKey 1.61 has debugged Sidewinder and GPP drivers
as well as support for up to four Sidewinders and two GPPs. The multi-player
support hasn't been tested, so if you have more than one of either of these
controllers let me know how it works.
SNESKey 1.60 Now Available - Sidewinder and Game
Pad Pro Support Added
The manual still hasn't been spell checked, but here
it is. Here's what's new:
MS Sidewinder support (ability to use more than one
Sidewinder coming)
Gravis Game Pad Pro (GrIP) support
ability to repeat keystrokes (like "auto-fire" or
support for two NES Four Scores (multi-player adapters)
spiffed up the test screen (/x) code a bit
fixed a bug in the command line argument passing
fixed a bug in the naming of the NES buttons
removed SNESKey.txt and added a manual directory
containing documentation in HTML format and schematics in gif format
fixed a possible bug in KeyTest
added circuits.ini to allow the use of differently
wired adapters
removed the /i switch and merged it with the /v switch
HTML Version of SNESKey Docs Online
I'v put an HTMLized version of the SNESKey
documentation online. It has drawings of all the circuits and the text
is an updated form of SNESKey.txt. This new version has replaced the old
SNESKey manual and is also included in the SNESKey archive.
SNESKey 1.63 Beta
for DOS
SNESKey9X Beta 3 for
If you get a message about a missing DLL when
you run SNESKey9X, unzip this file into your windows system directory.
DLL Archive
Here is a (very old) Win95 version of SNESTest:
Supported Devices
NES Four Score (4 player adapter)
Sega Genesis (3 and 6 button)
Atari 2600 joystick
Atari 2600 driving controller (like the paddles,
except spins all the way around)
PC Joystick (mainly for compatibility testing, the
support isn't that great)
Gravis Game Pad Pro
MS Sidewinder
Soon to be Supported (Hopefully)
SNES Multitap (4 player adapter)
Sega Saturn (initially 1 player, then 2)
PSX (have info and controller, need time)
Just How Complex are These Circuits?
The circuits are just some wire, connectors, and
(optionally) some diodes. For complete circuits for SNES, NES, Genesis
and the rest see the SNESKey documentation.
What I'm Working on for the Future
I've been sent a 3DO and Jaguar controllers which
I hope to support soon.
Other ways to connect the controller (game port,
midi port on game port, serial port)
Getting info on Nintendo64 controllers. Please contact
me if you have any info on N64 controllers, the main thing I need is the
protocol that they use to interface with the console.
Generally adding all the controllers and features
I have time for
If you want to contact me (Benji York) just send
me some email at
If you are asking a question, be sure to have carefully read the manual,
especially sections that have to do with your question, thanks. Also, I
no longer have time to answer every email I get. I will try my best to
reply to true bug reports, suggestions, and pointers to info. My responces
may take some time, so please be patient.
Last updated on 06/21/98.

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