Build Your Own Arcade Control Center FAQ
Panasonic TV screenshots

My first attempt at using a TV with s-video was a Panasonic 27" TV, model DT-27D11.  The results were pretty good, but the TV was too big for my cabinet - doh!  Experimenting with screen settings produced differing results.  Some resolutions had noticable screen bend on the vertical edges, some filled the screen edge to edge.  This is using normal MAME with no command line switches.  I expect I probably would have gotten better results using some of the tweaks.  Here are screen shots.


Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

The TV - it didn't look so big in the store!

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Star Wars screenshot.  This is *before* I tweaked video card and TV settings.  This is "out of the box" ...

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Robotron, pre adjustments.  I did get some of the sparklies reported by other people in this game.  Didn't see them on any other game.  I belive the blur top right is because it was in motion.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Indiana Jones looked really good.  

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Close up of the Indiana Jones screen.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

StarWars after some tweaking of settings.  This picture and the next five have the brightness turned up quite a bit.  Later I try it with other tweaks, but the brightness down.  Looked better then.  Still very clear here, especially for a vector game!

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

The red does not seem to be bleeding as some have noticed elsewhere.  However the blue does a bit...

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Close up of the red text.  Looks great to me.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Another shot.  Looks really good to me, I was surprised.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Star Wars at 27" is da bomb!  This I could play.  See Tempest below for one not so playable.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Last shot at the high brightness.  Lettering looks really good here.  The banding distortion on the left side of the screen is a camera affect, and 100% cannot be seen when looking at the TV "live" - this is a common problem with camera pictures of TVs.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Brightness turned down, the blue is somewhat hard to read.  Looked a *bit* better live, but still noticable.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

This looks pretty good to me.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Another shot.  Although a bit dark, finding a good compromise between vector and raster games shouldn't be hard.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

The green text looks good.  Close up shot.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Tempest suffered the most of those I tried.  I believe individual game-video settings would help improve this somewhat.

Panasonic TV image - click for a larger view!  Warning, big!

Sinistar.  Er... can't think of a comment :)


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