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// Code By Gregg Buntin, Realm Laboratories, LLC // http://www.realmlabs.com // gbuntin@realmlabs.com // This code reads from a database and displays news // Here is where the magic begins // First we connect to the database include "dbconnect.php"; // Then we select the data we need from the table we want with // a standard SQL statement $dbquery = "select dakey, datitle, dadesc, dalink, date_format(daposted, '%m/%d/%Y'), daposter from news order by daposted desc, dakey"; // Here we are using a MySql database. Could use any database. $dbresult = mysql_query($dbquery, $mysql_link); // Assuming the query is successful, start the output if ($dbresult) { $LastDate = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($dbresult)) { // Assign cryptic fields to something more meaningful $DaTitle = trim($row[1]); $DaDesc = trim($row[2]); $DaLink = trim($row[3]); $DaPostDate = $row[4]; $DaPoster = trim($row[5]); // If we are doing a new date, need a line to separate from others if ($LastDate != $DaPostDate) { print "
\r\n"; print "\r\n"; $LastDate = $DaPostDate; } // Display The Title print " $DaPostDate
"; // Here we link the title to the database link if one is entered if ($DaLink != "") { print "$DaTitle"; } else { print "$DaTitle"; } print "\r\n"; // Display the detail print "
$DaDesc"; // Display Who Posted The News print " (Posted By: $DaPoster)"; print "\r\n"; } // Need to show a line separating news from the rest of the page print "
\r\n"; } ?>I am looking for feedback from visitors as to what to do with this web site next. Has it been useful to you? Are you a regular visitor, or only a once in a while at best? What could this site do to be more useful? Please send me comments on anything from HTML design to the actual content. THANK YOU!
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