Speaker recommendation
I've posted a message on the board about choosing a set of speakers for my system. If you have an opinion or any expertise in the area, please help me out. I'm looking for the best set of speakers to purchase for my system within a reasonable price range. If this message generates a decent enough response, it will probably become part of the FAQ.Thanks!
--- saint
11/16/2000Hanaho Cabinets - news at Emuviews
JoseQ's Emuviews latest rumor mill has a piece about Hanaho's upcoming cocktail and MS. PacMan look-alike cabinets being available soon. Visit Emuviews or Hanaho for more information!--- saint
11/14/2000Check out Bankzilla
Check out this very cool hack found on Slashdot -- someone's built an Atari 2600 contraption that has some 850 2600 games crammed into a single Atari 7800 case. Very cool. --- saintUse your head as a joystick?
Check out this article found on Slashdot. It's a joystick interface that tracks your head movements to control gameplay. Sounds very cool. First one to interface it to their game system wins er... well... ok so I don't have anything to give them, but it'd be very cool... --- saint
11/11/2000Server move completed
The server move appears to be completed. Some of you may have noticed an actual *decrease* in speed yesterday -- they tracked it down to a faulty switch, since repaired.Please let me know if you notice any difference now that the move is complete, either faster or slower.
I would like to say that once again I'm impressed with Speedhost's customer service. I received 3 messages about the move, one before, one during, one after. I always knew what was going on, including the slowdown problem. I can't recommend them enough. (If you do sign up with them, if you refer to me I get some sort of discount...) --- saint
11/10/2000Down time today possible
The server we run on is being moved today for upgrades -- including possibly better bandwidth(!). Of course, this will mean downtime sometime this afternoon most likely.Be sure to let me know if you notice any hitches or improvements in speed! --- saint
11/09/2000Advance MAME update
The ultimate version of MAME for arcade cabinet/monitor users has been updated to 0.37 Beta 9 sources! Check the Advance MAME homepage for more information and downloads. I've also provided file mirrors at Retrogames. I'm only reporting about Advance MAME here due to it's specialized features for users of real arcade equipment. --- prophet
11/08/2000Examples page updating...
There're a few cabinets that have gone awol as I audit the examples page. Anyone with any info on:If you have any leads, please let me know. --- saintZinc's PC-Arcade Machine Unknown arcade cabinet Mean Green MAME BarCade Natpie's Arcade Cabinet Paul's MAME Arcade Machine
11/06/2000BYOAC Slush Pile
Well, I'm continuing to tweak the new scripts we have. My work priorities are to finish working on the news/cabinet scripts (almost done), repopulate the examples page (more on that later), and then to evaluate and run tests on new message board software.In the meantime, news continues to happen -- some of it gets posted thanks to the scripts and Tom and Prophet (thanks guys!), but a bunch gets stacked up in my "todo" pile.
Anyway, this proved popular once before, so I've put my slush pile online. If you have a comment on something on the slush pile, please let me know! --- saint
11/04/2000Twinshock in RetroTimes 38
In issue 38 of RetroTimes, there is an article on the TwinShock. This is a cheap dual-arcade stick for the PSX, that the author used via the USB port on his PC. Check it out. --- saintWico ball-top leaf joysticks
Someone emailed me asking for a source for Wico ball-top leaf joysticks. I've lost the email, but here is one source. I have no idea if they are legitimate or not. --- saint
11/03/2000Ideal Graphics Card for 15Khz Arcade Monitors
Andy "OptiMAME" Geez reports that the Trident Blade3D may be an ideal card for real arcade displays! Apparently it "does work good under Windows, much better than Matrox G400 and Sis6326, and as it also supports 320x240 you can run games without interlacing the display." Sounds great. :) Saka (of VsyncMAME fame) has developed versions of Mon-Arc and VsyncMAME for use with this card. Check this message for details and download links. --- Prophet
11/01/2000Whither the Stick-it?
The Stick-It web site has been taken down and replaced with a "temporarily disabled" page. What's it mean? If/when I hear more I'll let you know. Thanks to Flicky on the message board for the info. --- saintThank you . . .
I wanted to take a moment to give a special thank you to several folks. Several folks got together and donated money so that we could purchase new message board software. The money is certainly appreciated, but even more so is the fact that they thought enough of BYOAC to make the effort. It's things like that that motivate us to keep the FAQ going :)Thanks to: Sithspawn, JustinT, PacFan, johnmac, SteveBills, JustMichael, and c0nsumer. --- saint