Whats My Monitor ??

Monitor ID Page

WG K4600 WG K4900 WG K7000 WG K7000

Electrohome GO7 20EZ TM202G SI 319

GO5-801 GO5-802 WG 19V2000 Compare XYs

KTA - 915 Wei-ya 826HR Eygo GO7 CCO & FCO

WG K6100 WG U2000 Korean AM-0316

Korean AP-0621 Toei TC-V820 KGR-1901 Eago (old style)

Sharp XM-2001N Disco DMC-2090DT Nintendo Difference

MTC 900E MTC 9000 Kagi Toei 20" Sanyo 14"

Toei CM-F20U Unknown 1 Unknown 2 G07-CAO WG U5000

Matsushita 14" Sega MC-2000-S WG K4500 WG V1000

T & E Kortek Promax 1000 WG K3000

WG K7200 SI 325 Hitachi K14C M5000

Toei CM-A20 Hantarex Polo WG K8000 Pentranic

WG K7400 Series KJ-1915 WG K7300 Kortek KT-2502LF

Wei-ya 825H Nanao MS8-26SU Mackvision 3M25 WG D9500


Need a cap kit? Most are $5 on the "Parts Page" below.

Cap Kit Price List

Need a manual to go with the caps? $8

Need to know what is involved in installing a cap kit?

If you're replacing caps in a monitor not shown here, and you have a digital camera, I would appreciate any direct chassis pics such as posted here, to help newbies & old hands ID their new game's monitor. The overview layout seems to be best as most monitors appear the same or very similar when mounted on the frame.

..........Happy Gaming from Bob Roberts..........

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